Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Mass and on special occasions. It is important for lectors to believe that Sacred Scripture is the Word of God and have deep respect for God's presence in that Word.
They should be reliable, committed, prepared, outgoing, good readers, and have a strong voice. Training is available for anyone interested in proclaiming the Word of God and becoming a lector.
Ushers are the face of the church. They help to welcome each new parishioner to Mass, helping them to experience the hospitality of Christ. They help individuals know where they can go for various needs, assist with the collection, and provide needed logistical support to the priest as needed.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve by helping the priests and deacons distribute Holy Communion at Mass. They also take communion to the homebound or hospitalized. It is important that those serving as EMHC's be committed, reliable, and sensitive. You must be Confirmed and attend the necessary training.
A ministry to maintain a welcoming, reverent environment by ensuring a safe and secure place of worship for St. Louis families. Directed by Health and Safety Committee, this ministry is composed of Rhino staff members, off duty law enforcement and first responders, veterans and LTC parishioners who are trained to encounter, direct, and deescalate in collaboration with on-duty law enforcement.
Interested in helping us to worship by serving God on Sunday? Please reach out to our Liturgy Coordinator, Annette Montgomery.