Our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) class will be begin Thursday, September 12th at 7:00 P.M. in Grace Hall. If you are interested in becoming a fully initiated member of the Catholic faith, please register by clicking on the faith formation tab/RCIA. Everyone is invited to attend, but must sign up in advance.
This fall the bible study will be a hybrid with each session having two themes: A Quick
Overview of the Entire Bible using Ascension Press’ Bible Timeline Chart and Ascension’s
"Follow Me" study on John.
We hope to attract first-time Bible students with the Timeline Chart and emphasize our Eucharistic Revival with the John Study (nothing quite says EUCHARIST like JOHN Chapter 6).
The study group will meet Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30pm in Grace Hall, and will run from September 18th thru November 20th (no class on Nov. 4th ).
Deadline to register is September 4th . Cost of all materials is $35. Contact Diane Schlecte at [email protected] to register.
Are you (or do you know of) a Catholic husband, father, or man seeking to serve Christ and His Church, give back in Charity, and build Catholic Community? Joining the St. Louis' Knights of Columbus is a great way for you to put your faith into action! Please call, text, or email membership director Killian Beeler at 903-521-8934 or [email protected] to join.
Our Parish Festival Committee is starting its work for next year. If you would like to help grow our sense of fellowship and joy at the parish or are interested in helping to host a wonderful event, please contact the front office.
Let us grow our wonder again by reading great literature and watching beautiful and wholesome movies and documentaries. Formed.org has made it easy for our families to grow their wonder again. Click the link above to learn more.
We need volunteers to help with the St. Fiacre Gardening Club. If you like to garden and would like to help keep our new landscaping beautiful, please call the church office and we will add your name to the list to join the St. Fiacre Gardening Club.
Adults considering becoming Catholic or those Catholics who have not yet received 1st Holy Communion and/or Confirmation are invited to sign up NOW and click the link above to find out more.