Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The Lord calls us to enter more deeply into life with Him and to grow in the trust and vulnerability necessary to live through, with, and in Him. Our Lord calls us into communion with Him and His Church – and this requires setting aside our old life and accepting and trusting God’s will.
This is the life of the saints shown to us in the Acts of the Apostles. In Acts, we see how they worshiped, served, gave, and built community through trust in God’s providence. These disciples were motivated not out of obligation, but as a trusting response to God’s invitation to follow him as a disciple. As an act of trust and love, they intentionally gave of themselves, placing what they had “at the feet of the apostles and they were distributed to each according to need” (Acts 4:35).
St. Louis is growing! All around me, I see those characteristics expressed in Acts. I am so grateful for your faith, joyful discipleship, and sacrificial hearts. I invite you to trust like those early disciples and to help the parish reach each person “according to their need” by supporting our parish through our Worship, Serve, Give, & Build Community Here program. As our parish grows, I believe we can move beyond maintaining what we have and instead help new people to hear the Gospel. I’m asking for your prayer and financial assistance in helping our parish do more than respond to economic pressures but to do faithful ministry forming new intentional disciples. To do this, we need increased gifts of prayer and financial means through partnering with disciples like you.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
Fr. Ryan Higdon, Pastor