This process of preparation is intended to help anyone learn what the Catholic Church believes. If they are willing to commit to being Catholic and living faithfully to the teachings of Jesus and His Church, they are invited to become fully initiationed members. If you know of someone who is interested in this process of formation, please invite them to call the Parish Office at 254-754-1221. Everyone is invited to attend, but must sign up in advance. Each year, Catholic adults who are full participants in the life of the Church participate in this process as it helps to renew their knowledge and practice of the faith.
Purpose: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process where non-catholic adults can learn about the teachings of the Catholic Church. Catholics adults who still need 1st Holy Communion and/or Confirmation are usually prepared and formed through participating in this RCIA process. Practicing Catholics become companions to non-catholics as they journey toward their sacraments and full initiation.
Mission: The RCIA process has its roots in the early Christian Church. The mission is to form committed and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ of all those who become members of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church through initiation.
Mr. Mike DeRosa
[email protected]
Mrs. Chris Millerick
[email protected]