Mass and Sunday are not about us or what we get from it. Fundamentally, our Sunday liturgy is about worshiping the God who made us, placing ourselves before Him, and letting Him do with us as He wills. Our Worship is then a joyful wellspring of life, allowing us to receive unfathomable grace upon grace.
This is our greatest joy, and it is why, at St. Louis, Sunday Mass is the focus of our entire Sunday experience. For this reason, we take special care with how we serve—as priests, altar servers, musicians, and ushers—so that by our reverence, we can help all who come to worship God, who is worthy of our sacrifice.In Matthew 6, Jesus speaks to us about our fears and anxieties and gives us a simple answer: " Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides."
Our Lord calls us to spend at least one hour with him on Sunday as our obligation. How can we say we are seeking him first if we are not pursuing him beyond that hour?